There are a few different ways you can utilize the leads Visitor Queue identifies from your website. Below we have identified 5 different ways you can utilize the leads we identify for you and 2 different follow-up approaches you can take.
Bringing Your Sales Team into Visitor Queue and Let them Choose Leads
- Invite your sales reps to Visitor Queue as Advanced Users.
- Allow your sales reps to look through the leads and pick which ones they want to follow up on.
- Have your sales reps follow up with them within 24 hours.
Bringing Your Sales Team into Visitor Queue and Assign them Leads
- Invite your sales reps to Visitor Queue as Regular Users.
- Have an executive assign leads to the sales reps.
- Have your sales reps follow up with them within 24 hours.
Leaving Your Sales Team Outside of Visitor Queue
- Have an executive go through your Visitor Queue leads to identify which leads each rep should follow up on.
- Email the leads to the reps for them to follow up on.
- Have your sales reps follow up with them within 24 hours.
Push Leads into Your CRM
- Set up an integration with Visitor Queue and your CRM.
- Send leads directly into your CRM as contact, company or lead records.
- Have your sales reps follow up with them within 24 hours.
Export Leads into a .CSV
- Within the dashboard, select all or some of the leads you would like to export into a .csv file.
- Send the file to your sales reps.
- Have your sales reps follow up with them within 24 hours.
2 Different Ways to Approach Your Follow Up
- Generic follow up checking to see if the client has any need for your offerings.
- Mention that you saw them visiting the website (and potentially the specific offering they were looking at) and you thought it was a good time to follow up with them.